Sunday, December 12, 2010

Regional Minister´s Retreat

I am the regional director of all of the Verbo da Vida churches in the states of Sergipe and Bahia. We recently held our annual minister´s retreat for our region. Pastor Gary Hoffman, my pastor, was our guest speaker. Our people were really edified by his teaching from the Word. He also brought his youth pastor, Tom Hooks, who also blessed everyone with the Word. Several ministers said that it was the best retreat to date.

Youth Group in Angola - Africa

I was in Africa for the first time recently. It was a great experience. I never imagened that one day I would be speaking the language of Africa. Angola is one of the few countries in the world that speak portuguese. I taught in the RHEMA Minister´s School there. I also taught in one of there youth meetings as well as in the church on Sunday morning. Thirty-one people came forward to give there lives to Jesus.