Darren Wray percieved the call of God on his life during his senior year in high school in 1994. After talking with his pastor, he decided to study at RHEMA Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he graduated in 1996. After graduating, he immediately went on a short-term mission trip to the Philippines. While he was there, he sensed the Lord leading him to pastor for a time. During the entire year of 1997, he pastored a small church in the town ofJasa-an on the island of Mindanao. Before leaving, he established a national couple to take over the church, and it is still going strong until today. Although Darren pastored during this time in the Philippines, Brazil was really burning strong in his heart. So, in 1998, he went to Brazil to establish his ministry there. After arriving, he quickly learned the language, preaching his first message in portuguese after only 5 months. In that same year, he met his wife, Edma Oliveira Wray, whom he married in 1999. After marrying, they both took over Verbo da Vida Church in Aracaju, Sergipe, the church that they pastor until today. Since becoming pastors of this church, Darren and Edma have sent out four other couples from their church to begin other churches in two different states in Brazil. Together, they oversee all of these churches. Edma became the Dean of the RHEMA Bible Training Center Satellite School in Aracaju in 2007. They both teach in the school. Darren also ministers in other Bible schools, conferences and seminars in Brazil and throughout the world. Both Darren and Edma interpret international ministers that come to Brazil to minister in special events. They have two wonderful children, Brandon and Emily, both of whom were born in Aracaju, Brazil.